4 Houseplants You Can Forget to Water

Plants add warmth and interest to your home and help to keep the air fresh. They also require ongoing regular maintenance. If you’ve ever lost a finicky fern while a Christmas cactus thrived, then you know that some plants need more care than others do. Here are 4 plants that require less care than others and that can even stand missing a watering now and then – great for busy households!
These waxy, geometric beauties are certainly trendy, but not only because of their interesting shapes and hues ranging from mint green to deep violet. Their thick leaves store water, so they typically only require weekly watering (wait until the soil is dry before dousing them again). Succulents come in lots of varieties (like slender cacti, spiky sedum, smooth Echeveri, or flowering Kalanchoe), but typically enjoy sunlight and dry air.
This leafy vine would have been voted “most popular” in high school. Since its quite hardy (and quite pretty), people choose it often. It can deal with low light, and won’t be bothered if you let the soil dry out.
Ponytail Palm
This Mexico native gets its name from its shape — its skinny leaves sprout from a thick stalk, where it stores water.
These crowd-pleasing spring and summer blooms need their soil to dry out before they get another drink, and require even less watering in the winter. “Plus they come in many different foliage colors and patterns,” says Hayden.
You’ll find the full list and 5 more charming plants that can handle some neglect at Country Living.